Saturday, June 8, 2013

Jason Aldean concert

Hey guys, I FINALLY uploaded the pictures and videos from the Jason aldean concert I went to on May 17. So here are some of the photos and videos! Hope you enjoy. (They arn't that great bc I had my I-pod and it takes crappy photos. So sorry about that.)

Jake Owens opened..

Not sure which video this is...

Anyways, i had lots of fun and wis that I could do it again! I want to see Luke Bryan next time though :) I have to finish packing so I've gotta go. Bye bye.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Using Google Earth for fishin'

So today I went to go see the Internship movie... It was a great movie and it gave a brillant idea! Well sorta.. Anyways, Drumroll please!


Here it is- I can use Google Earth to find good ponds around my house! Great idea huh? Haha thought so... Anyways, I will be back and I will let Y'all know how my 'great idea' goes. I'm goin' fishin'  boys! Wish me luck! Bye!

P.S: Sorry for such a short post! I've been quite busy lately.. Packing, Fishing, And hanging out with friends before I leave for my Mom's house... Yep. My life really. Lol now I'm leaving! :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Borden & Awards

 I honestly don't know what to write today. Maybe its because I havn't done anything yet .-. I woke up, let the dog out, And now I'm just listening to country music. My day could be better if it'd stop rain for like 20 minutes. Bleh. Well, What should I do today? Everyone else is in school right now. Its a half day, so my father didn't make me go. He normally never dose... If i would have gone to school today, I would have to get some stupid award for 'Most Improved'. I know that, that is something to be proud of but, In my eyes, it isn't. I absolutly HATE talking/standing in front of a big crowd of people. It just make me nervous. *Le sigh. Im'm going to get off the computer for a while... Farewell untill later my friends! :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Long waits

Sweet Georgia! Finnally! Blogger wouldn't let my onto my blog, therefore, I couldn't post. Sorry about that by the way. Not much has gone on around this place. I finally got my gift card from the t-shirt contest. It was a 20$ gift card to Chick-Fil-A, which is fine. Other than that, not much has happened at school. My Bf hugged me today... (For the 1st time.) There has been lots of rain, which isn't bad, I just get tired of it sometimes... Ya know? Anyways, I'm going to go outside untill it starts to rain again. Bye!

P.S: Only 5 days till I get to go to my mom's house in Arkansas. Fun, fun, fun! Bye now!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Unneeded changes

Why can't anything ever be easy? A few months back Kiah, another friend, and I got into some trouble together.. I will tell you guys when I'm comfortable with telling you... Anyways, we all got grounded from each other and that screwed everything up. Nothing is the same and I can tell you that it SUCKS. That's why I said nothing is easy. I wish that everything would just go back to normal. I hate change. I know that there is good change and bad, but I hate bad change... It always ends up sucking. I guess I'll go now. Wish me luck...

After Earth

I just saw the movie After Earth. It was amazing! I definitely recommend it to all Y'all, but if you don't like pop-outs, don't go. It has some pop-ups the come up quite often... Otherwise, It was a great movie. I learned 2 things from that movie-

1):  Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Now do not misunderstand me, danger is very real. But fear is a choice

2): Stop. Take a knee. Evaluate. Use all senses. Become one with the environment. 

I shall use these two for the rest of my life! Haha, maybe. I will at least keep them in mind. Anyways, I'm going to get some shut-eye... Maybe. Probably not, due to my bestie sitting beside me, but that's alright because she is leaving soon. Y'all already know about this so I won't repeat myself.  Auf Wiedersehen! (Bye in German)

Summer days & Llamas

Oh man, The days sure do seem to pass by when your having fun... Its Saturday and it feels like I have done nothing today... In reality though, I had a water balloon fight, a water gun fight, and I've been to the pool. I guess time passes faster when your having fun! Hanging out with my best friend has been great! We fit perfectly together and we have so much in common... Were almost like sisters. Hmm, what should I do for the rest of the day? Be lazy isn't an option. Just sayin'. I could go back outside. -And that's probably what I'll end up doing. Its a nice 82.9 °F out here and I'm lovin' it. (No not like Mc D's...) Anyways, I'm going to go
 take advantage of the weather and hang out in it. Oh yeah and here is a picture of a llama 
that I drew with my bestie.

Yes, It is barfing a rainbow... Don't ask why. It just is alright?